Kellita Smith

With whom does Kellita Smith go out?

According to our records, Kellita Smith is single right now.

She was born in Chicago, Illinois, on July 11, 1969. On the hit comedy show The Bernie Mac Show, she played Bernie’s wife, Wanda.

She started playing the role of Warren on the Syfy show Z Nation in 2014.

Status of a Relationship

Kellita Smith is not with anyone as of 2022. Kellita’s age is 53. CelebsCouples says that Kellita has been in at least one relationship before.

She has never been engaged before.

In 285 days, Kellita will be 54 years old.

About the man, Kellita Smith is dating

Right now, Kellita doesn’t have a boyfriend.

All dating histories are checked by our users to make sure they are true. We use data and resources that are available to the public to make sure that our dating statistics and biographies are correct.

Who has Kellita Smith been seen with?

Kellita tries to keep her personal life and love life private, like most celebrities. Check back often, because we will keep adding new dating news and rumors to this page.

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Kellita Smith’s boyfriend

She’s been with at least one guy before. Kellita has never been engaged before. We are currently looking into the dates and hookups that have happened in the past.

Online rumors about Kellita’s past relationships can be different. It’s easy to find out who Kellita is dating, but it’s harder to keep track of all her hookups, dates, and breakups.

Even harder is keeping every dating page and relationship timeline for a celebrity up to date. Please let us know if you find any information about Kellita that is out of date.

Kellita Smith’s Relationship Statistics

How is Kellita’s love life?

Kellita isn’t with anyone.

Kellita was in how many relationships?

He has been with at least one person before.

Kellita has how many children?

She doesn’t have any kids.

Is Kellita in a relationship with someone else?

There is no way to get this information.

 Kellita Smith
Biography Zoom: Kellita Smith (Source: Google)

Kellita Smith Biography

On Friday, July 11, 1969, Kellita was born in Chicago. Kellita Smith is her real name, and she is 53 years old right now.

Cancer is the star sign for people born on July 11. Her zodiac animal is Rooster.

Kellita is an American comedian, model, and actress. She is best known for playing Wanda McCullough on The Bernie Mac Show, a Fox sitcom (2001-2006).

She started acting in a Living Color episode.

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