Kendrick Sampson

Kendrick Sampson is now dating?

We’ll look at Kendrick Sampson’s prior relationships, current girlfriend, and dating history in the paragraphs that follow. We’ll also examine Kendrick’s life story, trivia, net worth, and a lot more.

Kendrick Sampson is dating who?

According to our records, Kendrick is not dating anyone right now.

On March 8, 1988, the American TV actor was born in Texas. Caleb Hapstall is a character played by an American actor who is well known for his work on the television shows Gracepoint and The Vampire Diaries. He then landed the role on ABC’s How to Get Away with Murder.

Status of relationships


He has not been dating anyone as of 2022. Kendrick, 34, is an adult. Kendrick has at least one past relationship, according to CelebsCouples. He has never before been married.

In 166 days, Kendrick will turn 35 years old. Check out FamousDetails’ list of the top 10 facts about Kendrick.

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Regarding the girlfriend of Kendrick Sampson

Kendrick is not currently dating anyone.

Our user’s fact-check and validate all dating histories. Our dating statistics and bios are reliable since we use information that is readily accessible to the general public.

Who has dated Kendrick Sampson?

Like most famous people, Kendrick attempts to keep his personal and romantic life secret. As such, be sure to come back frequently as we’ll keep this page updated with the latest dating rumors and news.

girlfriends of Kendrick: He’s been in at least one past relationship. Sampson has never been wed before. We are presently gathering details on the past dates and hookups.


Online dating history rumors about Kendrick can be confusing. Finding out who Kendrick is dating can be quite easy, but keeping up with all of his hookups, flings, and breakups can be challenging.

Keeping every celebrity dating page and relationship timeline up to date is even harder. Please let us know if you notice any information on Kendrick that is out-of-date.

Statistics of Kendrick Sampson’s relationships

  • What is the marital status of Kendrick Sampson?


  • What number of partners did Kendrick Sampson have?

At least one relationship has existed in the past for Kendrick.

  • How many kids is Kendrick Sampson the father of?

He is not a parent.

  • Is Kendrick Sampson involved in any extramarital affairs?

This data is not accessible.

Bio of Kendrick Sampson

Full Name
Kendrick Sampson
Birth date
March 8, 1988
Birth Place
TV Actor
Net Worth
$100,000 – $1M
Martial Status
lbs ( kg)
Hair Color
Eye Color

On March 8, 1988, a Tuesday, Kendrick was born in Texas. Kendrick Sampson is his real name, and he is currently 34 years old.

Pisces is the sign of the fish for those who were born on March 8. His animal sign is the dragon.

Between 2007 and 2008, he attended private coaching sessions for improv and scene study in Los Angeles. He has already secured the role of Lamar in Resurrection: The J.R. Richard Story in 2005.

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